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Chi Flow / Energy Flow

Chi means Energy Flow. It plays an important role in material enhancement. How the energy flows in your premise is as important as "what we breathe!". Your office starts proper breathing if the flow of energy is smooth and not disturbed by he planning of interiors. Once you breathe properly your health remains ok, in the same way if your office is having proper Chi Flow, it is really true that you can lead to good financial progress. We are not aware of the secrets of Chi Flow and dues to this we are not paying the required attention, while we give planning of our office to any interior designers. In addition to this it is also obvious that your interior designer is not aware of such principles of energy. After having the international qualification in FENG Shui and after doing so many consultations of residence, office, industries, offices, shops and malls I really came to realise the positive and negative impacts of Chi Flow in our financial growth.

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